Cold-process Soap Gemstones 2

Cold-process Soap Gemstones 2
Cold-process Soap Gemstones 2
Lately I've been experimenting with making slightly translucent CP soap, and I decided to create a soap that would look like agate. Apricot Agates are banded agates that are mostly mined in Botswana, Africa, that's why they are usually called 'Botswana Agates'. They look like this:

(source: pinterest)
To make the soap, I did a faux funnel pour in 1 spot in the mold, using squeeze bottles. Here is what it looked like:
faux funnel technique - CP soap

After all the soap batter was poured, I spun the mold clockwise. You can learn more about the spinning swirl technique by watching this video.
I forgot to take a picture right away (oops!) and took it only after covering the mold with plastic wrap:

And here are my cold-process soap gemstones! I spritzed them with alcohol for a shiny finish.

cold-process soap gemstones - agate

cold-process soap gemstones

After that I prepared another batch of soap called Malachite. I poured the soap batter differently but also used the spinning swirl technique. Here is how the soap looked in the mold after being spun:

malachite cold-process soap

After being cut:

cold-process soap gemstones - malachite

I hope you enjoyed looking at my new gemstone soaps. :)