soaps by Steso

soaps by Steso
soaps by Steso
I am so excited! I received a wonderful gift from a very talented soaper and my friend Tatsiana! (here is her blog). She sent me 6 of her handmade soaps, all of them are amazing.  Each soap is nicely wrapped in a matching box.

Here is Tatsiana's Lavender soap with 15% mango batter:
lavender soap - Creative soap by Steso

This is her castile type soap with 95% olive oil and 2% olive leaf powder,  with the addition of goat's milk. The soap is scented with a blend of essential oils: cypress, peppermint, marjoram, basil, grapefruit and lavender.
castile type soap - Creative soap by Steso
This one is made with calendula petals, it smells and looks truly fantastic!
handmade soap with calendula petals - soap by Steso
Here is another rimmed soap, this time it's all cold-processed. It was created in our "duel" with Tatsiana where we challenged ourselves to make a cold-process rimmed soap. This one is scented with vanilla:
cold-process rimmed soap - Creative soap by Steso

And another rimmed soap - the rim mimics the look of crocodile skin. This bar of soap is made with kelp powder and it's scented with a blend of essential oils.rimmed soap - Creative soap by Steso

The 6th soap is made with an unusual recipe: 55% extra virgin coconut oil, 25% mango butter and 20% shea butter, superfatted at 18%. It is unscented but it smells very nice. I love its look too! I am really curious to try this one.
cold-process soap - Creative soap by Steso

But that's not all! I've also received this amazing soap cutter made by Tatsiana! It is designed to cut soaps made in slab as well as log molds.

soap cutter by steso
soap cutter by steso
It's wonderful, isn't it?

P.S. You can read about our meeting with Tatsiana and see a few soaps which we made together here.
