Mother’s Day is about a week away. Do you find gift giving gets harder time to time? This is a list of natural handcrafted soaps ideas for all different types of moms out there .

The Mother and Baby Twelve Piece Soap Gift Set allows you to give the gift of natural skin care to mothers and their precious little ones.

For the Working Mom –
If she is a traveler, this is perfect for holding her purse -Four wonderful handmade decorative soaps
Handmade Artisan Four Bar Set Soaps

100% pure essential oils and organic botanicals.
natural soaps with herbs and essential oils all organic butters

More About Mothers Day Around the Globe
For the Cooking Mom
this Natural Coffee Soap for wash her hands , Brazilian coffee grinds absorb garlic and onion and fish smell off your fingers, we recommended this soap as a hand and body soap. Every cooking mom must in the Kitchen.
For the New Mom-
Get a New Mom this Awesome collection of natural soapsThe Mother and Baby Twelve Piece Soap Gift Set allows you to give the gift of natural skin care to mothers and their precious little ones.

Packaged in a beautiful gift box, the set contains six regular bars of soap, an extra-large bar for the shower, two rosette soaps for the Mom or powder room and three bars for Baby’s bath time. This wonderful set includes mild and gentle soaps both for mom and baby or for baby shower gift or new mom – mothers day …
For the Working Mom –
If she is a traveler, this is perfect for holding her purse -Four wonderful handmade decorative soapsHandmade Artisan Four Bar Set Soaps

100% pure essential oils and organic botanicals.
For the Green Mom-lemongrass -and Herbal soap Sea kelp -Clay and Peppermint
natural soaps with herbs and essential oils all organic butters

Lemongrass Soap

Peppermint Soap large Bar Limited Edition
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Mother’s Day gifts – Etsy–day-gifts
Mother’s Day – The New Yorker…/mothers–day-fiction-george-saunders
Paulie had flown in, and Pammy had taken her to Mother’s Day lunch and now was holding her hand. Holding her hand! Right on Pine.Mother’s Day Photo Gifts from Better Homes and Gardens–day/gifts/mothers–day-photo-gifts/