To tame the itch, bathe in tepid water, using mild, unscented soaps like Sea Kelp or Goat’s milk from Natural Handcrafted Soap . Co
Skin that is too dry feels rough or hard and may look scaly or cracked. Dry skin lacks moisture, not oil, Natural Soap Olive Oil helps it retain its moisture.
As you get older the oil glands in the lower layers of skin become less active, which is a common cause of dry skin in the elderly. GOAT’S MILK GOLDEN BLOSSOM is made for you
Bath or shower water should be tepid, not hot, since hot water opens the pores and increases moisture loss afterward. Avoid using a wash cloth, rinse well with tepid water and dry by patting gently with a towel, not rubbing.
Try out these natural soaps, but remember that these are just methods of treatment, not hard-and-fast solutions. Goat’s and coconut Milk soap , Lavender Shea Butter and Rose . Greek Olive Oil .
– If your skin is too alkaline IT GETS DRY. Regular bar soap, foaming cleansers, and shampoo running down your face in the shower may be contributing to over-alkalinized skin. To balance your skin’s pH, we recommend Handmade Natural Castile Palm Olive Soap .

Milk and Kelp Soap

Olive oil Soap for all type of Skin -A radiant complexion
Bath or shower water should be tepid, not hot, since hot water opens the pores and increases moisture loss afterward. Avoid using a wash cloth, rinse well with tepid water and dry by patting gently with a towel, not rubbing.

Try out these natural soaps, but remember that these are just methods of treatment, not hard-and-fast solutions. Goat’s and coconut Milk soap , Lavender Shea Butter and Rose . Greek Olive Oil .

Natural soap for 7 days every day soap
