Happy National Milk Day with Milk Soaps.

Happy National Milk Day with Milk Soaps.
Happy National Milk Day with Milk Soaps.
Thursday Thoughts Happy National Milk Day  – Today is a national milk day .
Here’s why we celebrate this day on January 11 with Milk soaps from
 Natural handcrafted soap company.
#ThursdayThoughts National Milk Day #NationalMilkDay 100% fresh goat's milk, not dried powder milk. Goat's milk soap
#ThursdayThoughts National Milk Day #NationalMilkDay 100% fresh goat’s milk, not dried powder milk. Goat’s milk soap
Goat milk unlike cow’s milk, may help treat acne-prone skin. It contains special properties that can offer a sort of exfoliation for the skin. The exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, that if not removed can cause your skin pores to clog, causing unwanted acne to surface.
100% fresh goat’s milk, not dried powder milk. Goat’s milk soap is good for everyday use to moisturize and condition your skin Our Artisan soaps are wonderful skin care. 🛒➡️ http://www.naturalhandcraftedsoapcompany.com/Goat-s-Milk-Soap-s/1830.htm … OUR MILK SOAPS ENJOY buttermilk and goat’s milk and buttermilk soaps 
Goat’s Milk and Buttermilk Soap This Butter and Goat’s Milk are great for combination skin and has a luxurious lather. This specialty milk soap is richer in fats and emollients than whole milk. For centuries, milk has been used as a natural, soothing skin cleanser and skin softener.